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10 Things Introverts Will Understand

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCW chapter.

Introversion is essentially a species. We get each other in ways no one else does, whether we are strategically dodging nights out or immersed in deep thought, we’re wired a certain way. To all my introverted ladies, this one’s for you. 

1. Telling people you’re busy when they ask to hang out.

No, sometimes us introverts are not actually busy when we say we are. We would just rather be by ourselves most of the time, but don’t take that personally. It’s how we’re able to thrive when we do finally go out.

2. Having people mistake your silence for a bad mood.

We promise we’re not mad, this is just who we are. Again, don’t take this personally! We’re probably just deep in thought about something. 

[Photo courtesy of Giphy]

3. Dreading small talk with strangers.

Introverts really don’t want to have a conversation about the weather with you, especially if you’re someone we don’t really know. We like deeper conversations with close friends. However, if we really open up to you, you are truly special.

4. Wanting to skip class rather than work in groups.

Unless the group is absolutely dependable, introverts usually prefer working solo. An introvert knows they can do the work better on their own, anyway.  

5. Looking forward to meals alone.

Or really any outing by ourselves, for that matter. Don’t feel sorry for us if you see us eating by ourselves. It’s more fun than it looks, and we prefer it this way most of the time. 

6. Choosing the self-check out the grocery store every. Damn. Time.

And you better believe we cringe when a store doesn’t have it. The dreaded small-talk is now unavoidable. Time spent in line is time spent rehearsing what we’ll say when we get to the cashier. 

[Photo courtesy of HerCampus]

7. Being super observant of everything around you.

We may not look like we’re listening, but we probably are. Casual eavesdropping is every introvert’s secret skill. Nothing gets passed us. 

[Photo courtesy of Giphy]

8. Accidentally spending the entire day in your room.

And being totally okay with it. 


9. Feeling totally drained after spending the day socializing.

We love spending time with our friends, but we need time to be alone so we can “recharge our batteries.”


10. Knowing that despite being introverted, you’re still awesome AF.

Extroverts are cool, but so are we. We just like to keep it on the DL. 

Photos 1, 3, 4, & 8 courtesy of imgfave.com.




Lindsay is a senior at UNCW studying Criminology and Sociology. When she's not contemplating the deeply rooted inequalities of the criminal justice system, she is either working out at the Rec Center or sitting in Starbucks with a coffee or tea in hand.