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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

6 Things Not to Say to a Single Person (Coming from a Single Person)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNCG chapter.

As the title suggests and as a reminder before getting too far, don’t say any of the things that are mentioned in this article to a person who happens to be single. Why? Well, let me tell you. Single people, including myself, have our reasons for being single, just like you non-single people have your reasons for not being single. So again, here are some things to not say to a person who is single. It’s kinda like how you’re not supposed to ask a woman if she’s pregnant…lol.

1. “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find someone.” – This well intended and encouraging statement often falls upon the ears of the single, and it is not helpful. First off, no one wants to hear this, unless you wish to be a full-time cupid. Secondly, people probably do not want to hear it from you. Thirdly, single people hear this all the time, and the general assumptions that come with being single such as single people being lonely or depressed get old pretty fast.

2. “Are you gay?” – No, I am not gay. I’m sorry to disappoint.

3. “But, like, dude…you got the juice, man.” – I do not have the juice man, and if I did I probably wouldn’t be talking to you right now…just sayin’.

4. “OMG…you’re single..? What do you do for fun?” – I have hobbies and friends. The enjoyment of my free-time is not dependent upon a S.O.

5. “Why don’t you take someone out for a date?” – I and many other single people really do date so this question is a little random to us. Here’s the thing though, not everyone we meet is someone we want to date. Crazy right?  

6. “You wouldn’t be single if you weren’t so picky” – Picky, stuck-up, prude…whatever you want to call it, I’ve heard some version of that argument before. However, being picky and being sure of what you want and what you don’t want are very different things.

Long story short, I am happily single, enjoying this non-committal lifestyle, just like the majority of single people you run into. So please, don’t say any of these things to a single individual. At least you not saying these things is one less time it will have to be heard!


Trent Ryden Junior Communication Studies Major