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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

Name: Rohan Smith
Hometown: London
Year: Sophomore
Major: Photojournalism
Minor: Creative Writing and African Studies

Favorite Coldstone/ Sweet Frog Flavor: Cake Batter with almost every topping

Favorite place to study: Balcony at Student Stores that overlooks South Road

Fun Fact: I’ve been to over 15 different countries

Motto: “If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything.”

Anyone who has ever heard this campus cutie speak has definitely melted a little bit after hearing his gorgeous British accent. He enjoys photography, poetry and writing. This cutie looks and sounds like a character in a romantic comedy, and most importantly, he’s hilarious. We all want a guy with a British accent who likes poetry and can make us laugh right?

Her Campus: What are some of your favorite hobbies?

Rohan Smith: I play basketball, I play on the JV basketball team. It’s something I love to do. I like poetry, and I like to paint. I like painting people, faces. I haven’t painted in a while, but I love to do it. It’d be cool to be an artist. And I like to read, I love to read.  I like to cook also. My favorite dish to make is curry chicken.

HC: What do you participate in around campus?

RS: I play JV basketball, I’m in EROT [Ebony Readers/Onyx Theatre] which is a spoken word poetry organization, Sigma Phi Fraternity. (We started the chapter here last spring.) I write for NextGen Journal, which is an online journal for students written by students across the country. Basically we write about a lot of stories that students care about, issues both nationally and globally. We write about political issues, sports, college issues … things like that.

HC: So what do you plan to do after college?

RS: Pursue a career in writing and photography. Photography-wise, I’m interested in documenting real life stories. And I write poetry, so I’ll continue to write poetry. I like to write about tension when writing poetry, some kind of tension. It releases a lot, too.

HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

RS: In 10 years I see myself hopefully traveling the world and taking photographs, potentially for National Geographic, definitely a published poet/author of novels.

HC: What is your favorite TV series?

RS: Nip Tuck and The Wild. You have to watch The Wild! Its awesome. That’s my favorite show of all time.

HC: Who’s your celebrity crush?

RS: Hmm … Halle Berry. She’s so gorgeous. No matter how old she gets, she’s always going to be gorgeous. That’s the perfect woman.

HC: If you could create your ideal woman, what would she be like?

RS: She would be like my mother. She is 5’7,” she has a beautiful smile, she’s intelligent, artsy, down to earth, and she doesn’t put value on material things. Yeah, that’s my ideal woman.

HC: What are your biggest turn-offs?

RS: If girls are shallow and all they worry about are appearance and material things. That’s a huge turn-off.

HC: Lastly, what is your ideal first date?

RS: Dinner and go for a walk in the park if it’s a nice evening and it’s warm out. That way you really get to speak to someone you know?

All photos provided by Rohan Smith

Sophomore, PR major at UNC