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Have You Seen the Undergraduate Library Lately?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.
While most students were away on fall break, UNC workers were working to create a more relaxed Underground Library for students. Remember the computer lab across from the MRC? It was stuffy, unconformable and students could never find places to sit. However, during fall break the lab was renovated to be a more relaxed and welcoming environment for students to study. In case you haven’t seen it, here are a few pictures:

A view from the entrance

Comfortable couches for student to study, nap or lounge.

30 individual computer stations with new, comfortable chair (some of them are shaped like eggs!). There are also more chairs for students to also do group work.

Three screens for you to connect your laptop as well as the addition of more Mac computers. As you can see, the UL is making big changes and still seeks your feedback.

If you like the changes that you see, tell the UL by going to their Facebook page and commenting; you will also be entered in a raffle!

Sophomore, PR major at UNC