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The Best Breast Cancer Fighting Foods!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

The American Cancer society estimates that one third of all American cancer deathsmight be diet-related. Meaning, the decisions you make regarding food can either increase or decrease your risk for developing breast cancer. Unfortunately, there is no “miracle” food that will prevent you from developing breast cancer (that would be too easy wouldn’t it?) there are however, a multitude of appetizing foods that work together to decrease your risk for breast cancer. Try incorporating all, or just a few, of these foods into your diet regularly and you’ll be fighting cancer without even knowing it!
Vegetables of all Kinds-
            Doctors and medical experts agree that consuming a mostly plant-based diet is one of the most important factors in reducing your risk for breast cancer. All veggies are good veggies; however, some vegetables have more cancer fighting nutrients than others. The most cancer fighting and nutrient packed vegetables are broccoli, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, kale, tomatoes and carrots. Studies show the nutrients all of these vegetables contain slow the growth of cancer cells! Folate and fiber are two key nutrients in reducing cancer risks and all of these veggies contain high amounts of too! The Union has a great salad bar filled with all of these veggies and more; spruce up your salads by adding at least one of these veggies to your next salad and your tata’s will thank you!


Fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, citrus fruits and pomegranates are full of cancer fighting nutrients! These fruits are all packed with antioxidants, folic acid, Vitamin C and other cancer fighting enzymes. The nutrients in fruit work to catch cancer-causing free radicals and also slow the growth of cancer cells just like vegetables. 
All beans contain phytochemicals, these phytochemicals help fight against cell damage that is known to cause cancer! Black beans, kidney beans and white beans are also great sources of fiber and protein, two very important nutrients in preventing breast cancer. Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states for every 10 grams of fiber added to a women’s diet her risk for breast cancer decreases by 7%! Adding beans to salad, stir-fry or nacho’s are all simple and easy ways to incorporate beans and their nutrients into your diet.

Spices and Herbs:
Not only do spices and herbs, such as garlic, black pepper and curry, enhance the flavor of food they also contain nutrients shown to increase immune cell activity; the cells responsible for fighting cancer. Along with increasing immune cells, studies show spices inhibit cancerous cells from growing and spreading to other cells in the body, which is key to beating cancer! If you weren’t convinced that spices help fight breast cancer here’s one more fact for you, they also break down cancer causing substances in the body, reducing cancer cells even more! Add a little spice to your life and use these cancer fighting spices next time you’re making dinner!

Green Tea!
Green tea is actually full of cancer fighting nutrients. A combination of three major nutrients gives tea its cancer preventing abilities. Green tea fights cancer by preventing/reducing the growth of cancer cells, as well as reducing tumor growth. The recommendation is four cups a day in order to receive the adequate amount of nutrients. If you’re not a big tea drinker start out slow by switching your morning coffee for a green tea and go from there!

According to The American Cancer Society women should not consume more than one drink a day. Studies show women who consume 2-5 drinks a day have an increased risk of breast cancer, along with other forms of cancer. While staying away from alcohol is the best way to reduce your risk for cancer that is pretty hard to do for the average college girl. Try saving your cocktails for Friday and Saturday night only, you’ll cut down your risk for breast cancer, along with risk for many other forms of the disease!
Cancer is a disease which affects many people in one way or another. The good news is that more and more studies are providing us with ways to help prevent and treat cancer. Eating a healthy and well balanced diet is the first step in reducing your cancer risk. Increase your vegetable intake, warm up with a hot cup of green tea instead of coffee or try a new food such as cabbage, beans or  pomegranates and your one step closer to keeping your  ta-ta’s in perfect health!

 **look for Jess and Whitney’s recipe later in the week to get some ideas on how to include these delicious foods into an everyday meal!