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Rosario Dawson Emphasizes Importance of Feminism

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

As both an A-list celebrity and a hard-working activist, Rosario Dawson has her work cut out for her. Lucky for us, Dawson took some time out of her hectic schedule to visit UK and speak about her philanthropic work for women’s rights and her involvement in the Latino community.

Dawson, known for her work in blockbuster films such as Sin City and Seven Pounds, is extremely passionate about women’s rights and the fight against domestic violence. She is involved with the Lower East Side Girl’s Club, which offers mentoring, academic support and employment opportunities for young women ages 8-23, and V-Day, a worldwide non-profit group which raises awareness for domestic abuse via The Vagina Monologues. She is also a cofounder of Studio One Eighty Nine, an ecommerce site which creates employment opportunities and awareness for women in Africa.

Dawson spoke at the University of Kentucky on Wednesday evening on behalf of the SAB’s Women of the World series.

Here at Her Campus, we pride ourselves on women’s rights and understand the importance of having strong female voices. Rosario Dawson fully embodies our ideals.

So, Rosario, how can we make a change? It all starts internally.

Dawson strongly believes that change starts from within ourselves; if we want it, we can have it, but initially we need to have that desire. At the event, one student asked her for advice on sparking empowerment in others. Dawson responded, saying “You can’t empower someone; that has to come from within.” Although we can’t technically empower other women, Dawson explained we can encourage them by being there, listening and creating spaces of safety.  

Dawson also emphasized how important it is to realize the power of interdependence and connection, especially when dealing with issues of women’s rights. “When you realize the power of interconnectedness with others, you’ll recognize opportunities right in front of you,” she said. It’s imperative to acknowledge, especially for women, our impact on one another. By not only understanding this natural instinct for connection, but how powerful it can be, we can make waves.

“All of these issues are interconnected,” she said. “If we pulled all of those resources together, think about what we could do.”

Overall, Dawson’s presence and advice was greatly appreciated, especially by the young women in attendance.

She is the epitome of inspiration; between her zeal for philanthropy and her “never settle” mentality, Dawson was a wonderful addition to the Women of the World series.


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Jersey girl who loves cats, a good book, and most importantly- the University of Kentucky.
"Sam I am," and I LOVE to read. Whether it's Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" or The Mortal Instruments series, I'm always reading. And when I'm not reading, I'm writing; English papers, magazine editorials, you name it! Italian food is my favorite, shoe shopping is my addiction, and I hate cold weather. I'm also a proud member of Slytherin house (we're not all bad, I swear).