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Letter To My Future Self

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UK chapter.

Dear future me,


First off, I hope all your dreams have become a reality. I know there was so much that you wanted to accomplish. You didn’t just want to be another person that was living a normal life. You wanted more. You wanted to show everyone that you could accomplish anything you put your mind too- no matter how far fetched it was. So keep striving for nothing less than what you want. Always follow your heart.


I hope that you always remember how to have a good time. Sure, you might be a little older, but it never hurts to have fun now and then. You don’t always have to be a serious adult. Even though “having fun” is still a hard concept to get your younger self to understand. It is absolutely necessary that it happens. Let loose and have a wild night every once in a while because I know you still remember how to do that.


I hope that you don’t have any regrets. I hope that you tried everything you knew you wanted to do and even the things you didn’t. Taking yourself out of your comfort zone was always something you had trouble doing, but it was always worth it when you did. If there’s still something that you haven’t done yet, do it. There’s never a better time than now.


I hope you found the man of your dreams who is everything you ever thought he would be. I hope he takes silly candid pictures with you, sits and listens when you need comforted, or maybe just sits in the silence when there are no words that need to be said, plans cute dates, and makes you feel like you’re the luckiest girl that has ever walked this planet. You deserve the world and nothing less, so if he’s not giving you everything, there’s someone else out there who is willing to. If you haven’t found him yet, don’t give up. Settling for someone who is not good enough is not an option. He’s out there just wait.


Above all else, I hope you’re happy. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, whomever you’re with, make sure its what you want. Happiness is the key to everything. If you’re happy, everything will fall into place.


Xoxo, love your college self

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"All you need is faith, trust, and pixie dust."