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Volunteering Can Get You Hired!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.


Building up a resume throughout college can be difficult. Not only do you have to carefully evaluate which opportunities or experiences to put on it, but you also have to decide how to spend your time in the work field. For example: Do you like volunteering, but feel as though it doesn’t help you to support yourself or provide job opportunities present-day or in the future? You’re not alone. Tons of students nation wide are asking these questions, hoping for an answer.
For UIC students, these questions, and more, can be answered by expert and knowledgeable source, Anna Cobb. She’s holding a seminar for those who seek to help others, teaching them that your kindness can be rewarded!
Find out how to put volunteer experience on your resume, how to use this experience for your job hunt, and how to impress those who typically seek job experience.
Date: September 23-24, 2011
Time: 6:30-7:30 P.M.
Location: Lecture Center D4
For more information or details, email Anna Cobb at acobb5@uic.edu.
You spend so much time working for school, work, and for the greater good of the community. Have someone help you figure out options for your future! Be nice, and the world just might find a way to be nice to you J Find out how to increase your chances of getting hired today!