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No Apologies in Space

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

“I’m Sorry”, said Chuck Bass, the infamous Gossip Girl character, known for proclaiming himself….well, Chuck Bass.  His vocabulary is not accustomed to these apologetic words, so naturally a song that sounds like a defining event is transpiring plays to accompany his uncharacteristic monologue.  “Video Games” by Lana Del Rey like that which would be featured on Dickens’s A Tale of Two Citiessoundtrack, with troubled, yet powerful vocals, is used to narrate a momentous change for the better.  With the harp’s periodical arpeggiation, Del Rey laments her yearning for a complicated beauty – much like the misunderstood character Blair Waldorf never gave up on.

And although Nicolas Jaar’s “Big” version of “Always By Your Side” by Sneaky Sound System was not played to accompany this suspenseful scene between B and the Bass, it is completely appropriate in chronicling their perpetual relationship.  With the song’s repetitive guitar riffs, elevating to the same pitch with every strum, comes an illustration of any pair’s constant suspenseful return to square one of enamor.  Like an endless disc’s revolutions, the song’s draws of breath create tension, like the uncertainty shared between the couple exhibited.  With finals in less than two weeks, a run on the treadmill will take you somewhere else to clear your mind with this continuous beat of hope – whether for your mystery to introduce his or her other side, or for an A.
But for now, to celebrate your Thanksgiving weekend with family and away from collegiate drama, add “Stay Close” by Delorean to your playlist, let the sun explode through the windows in this unexpected 50-degree weather, and throw your body around 360 in your mother’s long hallways, floors covered in polished wood.  Reminisce your childhood with your cousins and run around with their joyously screaming kids, creating original ways to make them laugh that laugh.

Another worldly sound is brought to you by Caribou’s “Odessa” with its abrupt burst of synthetic melodic minor scales.  They will transport you to the moon where nothing can pull you down – not even the stress of finals.  Let the black abyss, containing nothing but revolving objects and sparkling colors take you.  Hop from one star to another fearlessly with the song’s evenly spaced extraterrestrial calls and listen to the alien’s careless words about “her” careless words to him.  Bound your way over to Venus to experience its eccentric orange atmosphere, where you can be neither found, nor remembered.  Adopt an absent mind and release yourself of anxieties back at the dorms.