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Luzia (A Short Film)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

In the local Chicago movie scene, one film garnering recognition is Luzia, an independent short film written and directed by Gustavo Bernal-Mancheno, and produced by Sofia Gomez Garcia.  The film stars Jordan Jansen and Velizar Ionikov.
Ionikov depicts the character Gabriel, an old man who awakens from a coma after a traumatic car accident. His only memory is of a young girl, Luzia (played by Jordan Jansen), who saved his life.Luzia depicts the love story between them, and Gabriel’s hope that he will one day see the girl he fell in love with again.
Shot at Sleeping Bear Dunes, in Empire, Michigan, the film’s teaser offers a taste of the story and highlights the beautiful cinematography done by Matthew Rivera. The film received an honorable mention at the LA film script festival, and Kodak donated film to the project. The filmmakers are expecting to finish filming for Luzia before the end of the year.
You can watch the Teaser here: 
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