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Light Exhibition “Luminous Field” by Luftwerk coming to Cloud Gate at Millennium Park

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Starting This Friday February 10th

Prepare to experience the new arts video, sound and light installation happening at Anish Kapoor’s Cloud Gate, more commonly known as “the Bean”, beginning this Friday.  Luftwerk is an art collaboration by Petra Bachmaier and Sean Gallero who have designed the light installation known as “Luminous Field” that will force viewers to see the Chicago skyline from a new perspective. 

“That’s our M.O., to take a space, a situation in architecture, and transform it…” says Gellero, stating that, “[whoever is] standing underneath Cloud Gate will be in for a trippy experience. They will be looking up into this vortex of Cloud Gate, and they would be basically immersed in this flashing light, geometry undulating.”  Bachmaier adds “We really perceive it as something that people can interact with.  We really want people to go in and play with it.  [That is] the whole concept of the video, we built it for people to move with the light.”
This certainly is a rare treat to be seen!  So grab your valentine and head to the Bean this Friday. Be ready to dance! 

The show will run February 10-20 from 6-9 p.m. Sunday-Thursday and 6-10 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.  It’s a FREE SHOW and open to the public!