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Learn How to Take Notes!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Not happy with your Midterm grades? It’s not too late to drastically improve your performance in classes this semester. Sometimes we neglect taking proper notes because we don’t like paying attention in class, or because we get sloppy as the weeks go on. However, not being able to read our writing, or simply having unorganized notes leads to less studying, and a lesser ability to recall important details brought up in lecture.
It is in every student’s best interest to better themselves in school in preparation for entering the job market sooner rather than later. The “Cornell Method” of note taking has been proven to be the most effective organizational technique in the collegiate world. Join a seminar, and learn from the most informed sources how to better your ability to study and take notes!
Time: 4:00 – 5:30 P.M.
Date: Thursday, October 20, 2011
Location: White Oak Room, Student Center East
For any additional questions, contact lricha2@uic.edu. Bring your friends, because it’s more than cool to do amazing in school!