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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Sick of eating in the cafeteria? Running low on money after going out to eat all the time? Why not cook some delicious meals for yourself? Not only is it healthier, but it is also a great way to have fun while impressing your friends, or maybe even that special someone ;)
UIC’s Language and Culture Learning Center is offering a FREE two-hour Italian cooking class for anyone who would love to learn the art of delicious culinary science! This is sure to be a good time, since you can bring as many friends as you want! Can you think of a better way to spend a Friday afternoon?
The event will take place in the Jane Addams Hull-House dining hall from 2-4 P.M. on Friday, September 30th, 2011. The contact email provided is cfabbian@uic.eduif you have any questions or concerns about the scheduled class.
Break out your apron and your pasta sauce… you’re going to be an Italian chef in no time!