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Bryan Craig

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.
Name: Bryan Craig
Age: 22
Major: Architecture
Relationship Status: Single
Q: Some of your favorite hobbies or Interest?

A: I manage and own a DJ company (Sound Proof Sounds), but when I’m doing that I enjoy working out, playing lacrosse, golf, and basketball. I also enjoy cooking and hanging out with my fraternity brothers (Theta Xi)

Q: What qualities do you look for in a girl?

A: Someone that is outgoing, confident, goal oriented, presents herself well to others, and someone that is open minded. 
Q: What is the first physical characteristic you look for in a girl?
A: A few of the first things I will notice on a girl is her smile, her eyes, and her posture. 
Bryan appreciates a well-rounded Collegiette! If you think you’ve got what it takes to win him over don’t be afraid to introduce yourself, he likes an outgoing lady! 
Ceida is a third-year student at the University of Illinois at Chicago, studying graphic design with an interest in editorial. She has interned for a fashion photographer, Hesita&Bear (a luxury homeware company) and plans to continue her trek in the visual communications industry. Ceida loves exploring the Windy City, and more importantly: she enjoys showing it off. Her pass times include drinking coffee, thrifting, and listening to old-school Jazz, and photography! She is also a proud member of Phi Sigma Sigma National Sorority.