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The Art of First Impressions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Whether it is a job interview, meeting new friends, or going on a date; with every encounter you have you are evaluated and another person’s impression of you is formed.  This first encounter is extremely important because a first impression can be nearly impossible to reverse. The opinion the other person forms about you the first moment they meet you will stick with them forever. They will base this opinion on the way you dress, your overall appearance, your body language, and your mannerisms.  With that said, it is important to be aware on how you present yourself to others. Whether they are in your career or social life, it’s important to know how to create a good first impression. The following are some tips to help you do this! Let’s start working on creating those good first impressions!

 Act Calm- It is extremely easy to tell if a person is nervous. A person usually comes across as awkward and having no confidence if they act nervous. There are a couple ways to prevent this problem. If you have anxiety about meeting new people, make yourself as relaxed as possible. Being anxious fuels even more anxiety. Do this by taking deep breaths and focusing on the positives of your personality. Do you have a great smile or sense of humor? Remember that aspect when meeting a new person. If you act in a way that is calm and confident, people will assume you are welcoming and know how to easily approach any situation with ease. 

 Dress in what expresses your personality the best- You may think that wearing a thick pant suit might look the most professional for an interview, but this is not always the case. Your goal is to look modest yet show personality. The best way to do this is by adding color or accessories. Pick a cute accessory and make that your statement piece. This could be a cute cocktail ring, or a pink laptop case. Your outfit shouldn’t distract from your personality, but rather enhance it. You might even get a compliment on it, which is a great conversation starter.

Set clear intentions- If you are at a party and meet a guy that you would love to date, you wouldn’t treat him like one of your girls right? Set your intentions from the start, this will allow you to get what you want faster and you won’t waste your valuable time. If you slightly flirt with him he will always remember you as that cute girl from the party. If you openly start talking about what other guys you are attracted to or engage in an extensive bit of self-disclosure you will forever be known as the “vulgar girl.” The same concept can be applied to a job interview or meeting your boyfriend’s parents. If you tell your boss-to-be that your intentions are to move up within the company, he or she will have your face in mind for open promotions. When you meet your boyfriend’s mother you should act open and talk to her often so she thinks of you as the one girlfriend who was such a sweetheart for making an effort.

 Remember eye contact and body movements- This may seem like a given, but it is surprising how many people forget these impression necessities. Failure to keep eye contact with a person is obvious and will become an immediate turn off. Crossing your arms signifies wanting to keep to yourself and that you aren’t comfortable in the situation. Stand toward the person with straight posture and a firm stance to keep you looking in control. Never look at your watch in an interview because it is easily noticed as a sign of boredom. You may think that no one will notice these hidden clues, but the other person is fully aware and unconsciously taking note.

Whether you are in an interview, a party, or with the family, be aware these first impressions are being made about you! Practice these tips and you will slowly improve. If you remember these tricks they will eventually become natural. Before long you will be that girl with poise that stands out in every room in the best way possible. 

I am Francesca Dreesen. I am currently living in Chicago Illinois and attend UIC. Communications is my major and I aspire to work in publications some day. I love to be creative, read, design, write and travel. I love being in urban places.
UIC Contributor.