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6 Reasons Why Growing Up Isn’t That Bad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

So, to pinpoint exactly when and how “growing up” even starts is kind of dependent on the person, and to many, this thought may cause anxiety. I mean, who really is ready for the expectations and responsibilities that come with adulthood anyway? For the most part, we are all victims to “adulting” duties such as filing taxes, paying bills, scheduling your own doctor appointments, etc., but get this: it isn’t the “end-all-be-all” situation that social media and other outlets have made it out to be. Sure, we didn’t learn how to do a lot of this “adult stuff” in school, but the beauty that comes with aging is the power to continue learning how to do all sorts of things as a growing person. For the rest of our lives (in continuation from childhood), we are not only learning to live, but we are living to learn. And the best part? You still have so much time ahead of you to fine-tune the life you’ve always wanted. You are the master of your own fate, which means that you have control over how you make your life out to be. So without further adieu, see below the perks of becoming an “oldie-but-a-goodie.”

1. You get to do whatever you want, when you want

2. You can still be an adult and a kid at the same time

3. There are perks that come with your age as you get older

4. You’ll have more opportunities

5. You become more mature about things

6. You’ll have a greater appreciation for the stuff that counts

Monica is a lifestyle, beauty, and travel blogger for Her Campus at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is a full-time, Dean's List student studying elementary education with a concentration in English. Before joining the editorial team, she dedicated countless hours of volunteer work as the Community Service Chair for Chi Sigma Omega sorority. When she graduates, she plans to teach and volunteer in underprivileged communities overseas. Her hobbies include running, binge-watching Friends, baking, and traveling.
UIC Contributor.