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Why You Should Masturbate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

I’ve been exploring my sexuality since I started high school. I would say I’ve been masturbating since early 9th grade, but I didn’t start masturbating properly until I was almost finished with 9th grade. This is because women are never taught how to properly do it. I really can’t remember how I discovered female masturbation, but once I achieved my first orgasm I knew that I needed it in my life.

When I first told my friends that I masturbated, they looked shocked and almost disgusted. For men, society basically views masturbation as a natural act, but when women do it or even talk about it, masturbation becomes wrong and taboo. Even now that I’m in college, women still don’t discuss this private act. Here are 10 reasons why I masturbate and encourage other women to do it.

1. Stronger Orgasms

My orgasms achieved through masturbation have always been stronger than the orgasms caused by a partner. I don’t know why this is, but it’s true.

2. Helps You Fall Asleep Faster

Having trouble sleeping? Try masturbating. After I orgasm I always feel more tired. This might be why there are jokes about partners falling asleep right after sex.

3. Elevates Mood

Who wouldn’t feel happier after making themselves orgasm? 

4. Reduces Stress

Orgasms release oxytocin which can help in de-stressing.

5. Helps You Know What You Like

Masturbating can help you have better sex with a partner. You’ll already know what a good orgasm feels like, so if your partner can’t get you to reach that, something is wrong.

6. You Can Teach Your Partner What To Do

This is similar to #5, but since you know what feels good you can tell your partner what to do. Don’t waste his or her time by letting he or she perform actions that don’t get you off.

7. You Don’t Need a Partner to Feel Good

We don’t all have access to a partner, or maybe we don’t want to deal with the drama that can go along with having a partner. Through masturbation, you can achieve orgasm without any risk of STIs or hurt feelings.

8. It’s Empowering

I’m telling ya, nothing is better than hitting the big O after all that hard work. After you finish you can just sit there and think, “I did that.”

9. When You’re Bored, Just Masturbate!

This might sound weird but honestly it works. When you have nothing else to do, just dim the lights and get going. Depending on how it’s done, masturbation can take up a good chunk of time.

10. Why Not?

No one needs to know but you, but even if they do find out, it doesn’t matter. If guys can masturbate, so can girls. Don’t knock it ’til you try it.