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Allergy Season as Told by ‘Jane the Virgin’

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

Allergy season is finally upon us, and if you suffer from seasonal allergies there several things that will happen to you during this time period. 

When you start to the notice that the pollen count is getting higher and everything starts to get covered with it

And it hits you it’s pollen season

You realize you have to stock up on as many tissues, medicines, and cough drops as you can 

Everybody starts to think you’re sick, but you have to explain to them it’s just your allergies acting up

That embarrassing moment when you’re sneezing and coughing all throughout class

Your book bag and/or your purse is filled with nothing but used tissues

You take all the medications in the world but it still doesn’t help you

You run out of your allergy supplies

People who don’t have allergies flaunt to you about how they don’t have allergies

Sometimes you feel like you’re dying from the pollen

But then you remember that by May you’re going to be okay

Unless you have year round allergies (like me)

Happy Allergy Season!

Hey y'all. My name is Jayda Hill and I am currently a student at the University of Georgia trying to navigate adulting. I am Advertising major with a minor in Sports Management and a certificate in New Media. Besides writing, I enjoy laughing with friends, eating at my favorite places, reading, watching college football, movies, Youtube videos, and shows on Hulu and Netflix. I can't wait to channel my inner Carrie Bradshaw with Her Campus UGA.