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6 TV Shows Ruined by a Character Death [SPOILERS]

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

TV shows have become notorious for killing off a myriad of different characters. With the emergence of cultural phenomenons such as Game of Thrones – a show known for killing off main characters – many viewers have grown accustomed to blindsiding character deaths. The losses may be attributed to furthering a show’s storyline, shocking viewers, or dealing with contractractual issues, but one thing is certain: deaths impact shows greatly. The following character deaths may not have caused a show to tank, but it’s safe to say that things were never quite the same way again, thanks to an overall decline in the show’s storyline or fanbase.

Here are six TV shows ruined after a character death. Warning: spoilers to follow.


6. Commander Lexa (The 100)



Commander Lexa, known as Heda to her fellow Grounders, was a revolutionary character. Never before have we seen a post-apocalyptic lesbian warlord on primetime television. Not only was Lexa a great character with tons of potential, but she also served as the main protagonist’s soul mate. Even the show’s producer and writer, Jason Rothenberg, regrets giving Lexa the ax:

“The reaction has obviously been surprising to us, to me in particular, I didn’t ever imagine that it would be so intense… You design it to be a ride, you design it to be emotional — the show’s a tragedy, horrible things happen in every episode — but this landed in a different way for our audience, especially LGBTQ fans of the show.”


5. Derek Shepherd (Grey’s Anatomy)



It’s questionable what Grey’s fans will do without Dr. McDreamy. Cry? Rage? Stare at our TV screens in despair? Whatever the reaction choice, Dr. Shepherd’s death was not well received. Many fans felt like this was a blow to the show as a whole – especially since other staple cast members have left or died as well. Derek’s untimely death seemed to be the last straw for many viewers, prompting many fans to give up the show then and there.


4. The Mother (How I Met Your Mother)



Knowledge that the much-anticipated mother in HIMYM was actually dead the whole time left a lot of viewers saying, “Huh?” Arguably, this death came at such a late stage in the show that it didn’t really impact the main storyline. It did, however, alter the entire basis of the show itself. Nine seasons to find out the mother died? Really?


3. Bobby Singer (Supernatural)

The Winchester boys have been through a lot: the death of their mother, father, fiance, grandparents, lovers, friends, allies, and even each other. But there was one death that really shook the boys – and the show – to the core. Bobby Singer not only served as the gruff, caring surrogate father Sam and Dean needed, but also the show’s heart and comic relief. It seemed to many that Bobby’s death was a line that was too sacred to cross. The show is now going on it’s twelfth season – and that’s a long time to never hear, “Ya idjits,” again.  

2. Laurel Lance (Arrow)

Laurel Lance’s death lead to a myriad of complaints. For one, Oliver/Laurel fans watched their ship sail away one last time, making way for the Oliver/Felicity relationship. Laurel’s death also angered not only loyal comic book fans, but also those familiar with the Women in Refrigerators trope. Many viewed the death as pointless, only serving to further the male protagonist’s storyline. Show writer Glen Winter spoke on the fan’s issues:

“We recognize that that upsets a lot of fans, particularly the comic book fans…Every time we’ve killed off a character on the show, it’s really been for the affect on all the characters left behind.”


1. Allison Argent (Teen Wolf)


Sweet, quirky, badass Allison Argent. She was our main female protagonist that no one expected to see go. Even though Allison and our favorite teenaged werewolf, Scott, called it quits, they were the main focus of the show. Even when Allison started to grow closer to Isaac, fans were waiting for her reunion with Scott. That’s why her death in the season three penultimate episode shocked and upset viewers. With Allison gone, Teen Wolf never recovered from the lack of archery shots and dimples.

Kendall is pursuing a bachelors in journalism and a masters in emerging media in at the University of Georgia. After joining Her Campus UGA in the fall of 2015, she became one of the team's Campus Correspondents in fall 2016. During this time, HC UGA has flourished, moving from the Bronze level all the way to Pink, and it has been selected for national partnerships including the Her Campus Tour in 2018. Kendall hopes to someday work in the intersection of technology and journalism, and she adores books, travel, volunteering, and the color teal.