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The Perfect Musical for Every College-Girl Situation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Gather your gals and grab your dance shoes, because here are the perfect musicals to enjoy for every college-girl situation. Not to mention they are all available on DVD or Youtube, so no expensive trip to Times Square needed!

When you need some motivation…

Definitely watch Legally Blonde; the musical combines the best parts of the movie with catchy songs and crazy dance numbers. After watching this, you’ll want to sing your way through Harvard Law, or maybe even University of Florida. The best part is that the whole thing is available on Youtube, so get ready to bend and snap!

When you want to study abroad…

Mamma Mia is the perfect musical for you. It’s set in Greece, and the scenery is especially gorgeous; the movie version with Meryl Streep was actually shot in Skopelos. The music consists of all ABBA songs, and the storyline is funny but heartfelt. This musical will give you major FOMO, and will maybe encourage you to find the perfect study abroad program.  

When you’re very nostalgic…

Does this world of iPhones, Facebook and Tinder ever leave you wishing for the simpler times?  If this is you, then take a look at Hello, Dolly! The movie-musical version came out in 1969 and features the coveted Barbra Streisand as the lead role. It’s filled to the brim with over-the-top musical numbers and that old-fashioned humor that we just don’t get much of in college. If anything, this will give you something to discuss with your grandparents when they come to visit; it’s one of mine and my grandma’s favorite musicals.

When you think your life is rough…

We’ve all been there.  A day where everything seems to go wrong and you feel like someone has it out for you and only you makes you want to curl into a ball and cry.  But if you think you’ve got it bad, just watch Les Miserables and you’ll suddenly appreciate the life you have. Les Miserables is the tale of the lives of many different characters living in post-revolution France.  The songs are powerful, the relationships between the characters are heartfelt and true, but just don’t get too attached to any one character (you have been warned). The 2012 movie version takes the stage production onto the big screen with actors like Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway and Eddie Redmayne. Suddenly, that calculus exam won’t seem that bad.

Even if you are not a theater major, these musicals are perfect for any college girl.  Grab your popcorn, put away your textbooks and enjoy!

Photo credit:  theodysseyonline.com

Courtney is a freshman majoring in History with a minor in Dance. This is her first semester writing for Her Campus UFL and she's so excited to have this opportunity! Courtney enjoys reading Jane Austen classics, traveling to new places all over the globe, and eating maybe too much Ben and Jerry's ice cream. She's a sister of Delta Nu Zeta, a service sorority on campus, and loves being able to help the community and grow as a proud member of the Gator Nation!