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Noah Greenburg ’12: Marathon Runner

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

Here in California a new trend hitting collegiate students is participation in full and half marathons!  Whether it is a test of self perseverance and commitment, preparing for upcoming bikini season, or to raise money for a good cause, running races is the new thing.  We got a chance to interview a campus stud on why he decided to participate in the Surf City marathon this February.  Noah Greenberg is a 3rd year econ/business major with a love for fitness and a strong will of determination. 

1. Were you a runner before your marathon? If so how long was the longest you ran before you started training? I had run maybe 11 times before I started training, the longest of which was around 3 miles.

2. Why did you decide to do the marathon? I thought it would be cool to run a marathon, also it was good exercise.

3. How long did you train? What was an average week of training like? I trained for 14 weeks. I ran between 4 and 8 miles on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and then every Saturday I would do a really long run, building up each week. (i.e. 12 miles one week, 14 the next, etc.)

4. How was the actual marathon to run? So sick!

5. How did you feel when you finished? Are you planning on doing more? Felt pretty invigorated. Still high from the run, so I didn’t feel too much pain yet. I think I am going to try to run a famous marathon, like Boston or NYC, and I would also like to run the Disneyland half marathon.

6. Any advice for future marathoners? Bring an ipod. And run shirtless .