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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.


Name: Steven Hough
Hometown: Fremont, CA
Major: Biological Sciences
GraduationDate: 2014
DOB: January 10, 1992
RelationshipStatus: Single
Contact: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=727725978#!/profile.php?id=718791179

Fun Facts

FavoriteQuote: “Everything I’m not makes me everything I am.”
– Kanye West “Everything I Am

Celebrity Crush: Jamie Chung

Extracurricular Activities:
I am president of Alpha Lambda Delta Honors Society, a member in a few health career and community outreach organizations on campus, work in a laboratory at Loma Linda University, and a committee member on a couple of councils around campus.

I ride a fixed gear bike and really use that as my major form of stress release. I also couldn’t image life without music. I’m kind of a nerd too and really enjoy going to museums, zoos, and aquariums. I play soccer with friends and cook, but at the end of the day, I really enjoy just hanging out.

Favorite Chick Flick: Titanic

What are 3 words that describe your personality?  Ambitious , witty, and reserved

What are your plans after college? I plan on going to medical school, becoming an Oncologist and hopefully moving back to the Bay Area.


Getting to Know Steven

What is one of your pet peeves and why does it bother you?
The thing that really gets on my nerves is when people make noises while I’m trying to concentrate. Whether it is loud gum chewing or heavy breathing, if I can’t concentrate it bothers me to no end.

What is the most confusing thing a girl can do?
The most confusing thing a girl can do is to assume that I know exactly what she’s thinking. It bugs me when girls know exactly what they want or where they want to go but yet they say they don’t know just to see if I can guess right. I don’t see the fun in that, especially when I guess wrong.

What do you think about girls “playing hard to get?”Are you against it or for it?
I think to an extent it is really nice. If a girl doesn’t make me work at least a little, it comes off as if they might be too “easy.” On the other hand though, if they play too hard to get, I usually get the impression that they just aren’t interested. It is very nice to at least get a clear message whether they’re into you too or not because that, for me, tells me whether I should try to pursue or not.

Which traits in a girl will sweep you off your feet (and possibly make you want to introduce her to your friends/family)? Why?
I think the most important traits in a girl are ambition, politeness, and just a good personality in general. An ambitious girl who has her own plan and is working hard to get to it is amazing because it is nice to be around people who appreciate long-term goals and dreams. Politeness is important mostly just because there are so many people (girls and guys included) nowadays that are just rude and I’m not a fan of all that. Finally, a “good” personality just includes traits that make me want to hang out with them all of the time and knowing that they are a genuine person.


What are some major “turn-offs” in girls?
Girls who cheat. They’re the worst and they give all girls a bad reputation. Lying is another HUGE turn-off. If I’m going to date a girl, I’m going to be a hundred percent honest with them and expect the same in return. Girls who are sloppy, try too hard to get attention, or always have to be in the spotlight are also some big turn-offs.

What is your ideal perfect date?
My ideal date would be with someone who is nice, funny, and cute and where conversation flowed so easily that I wouldn’t even have to think about it. I like doing unique things, so even though the dinner and a movie sort of thing is nice once in awhile, I’d much rather head out near the bay (I’m from the San Francisco area and love the city) and look at the water and lights of the city on the waterfront while trying a tiny hole-in-the-wall eatery. I really like when the girl chips into planning a little bit too because I like doing things that both of us have never done. It makes it more exciting.

Do you believe in love? If so, what is love to you?
Yes, I believe in love. To me, love is the feeling you get when you wish every second you spend with someone won’t end. Also, love is when the thought of the person instantly makes you happy no matter what you were feeling beforehand. I think that if you see someone and get butterflies when you see them, even after you’ve known them or been with them for a long time, I believe that’s love.

Why should girls date you and what makes you different from any other guy?
I am honest, down to earth, and just enjoy being around people. I can get out and have a good time, but I can also stay in and relax. I am good listener and I always help out anyone who needs it. I am the “sensitive” type of guy that just enjoys making the girl I’m dating happy. I love doing new things and dating me wouldn’t be boring or cookie-cutter. I’m not the typical d-bag college guy and I respect girls the way they should be respected.

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Nicole Martinez

UC Riverside

Nicole is a senior at UC Riverside where she is majoring in Media and Culture studies. She co-founded the Her Campus UC Riverside chapter her sophomore year in college. She loves to spend her free time watching The Mindy Project, Girls, Pretty Little Liars, and other shows with leading ladies. She also dabbles on tumblr, instagram (obviwearetheladies), and twitter. Mindy Kailing and Shoshanna are her spirit animals and in the near future she hopes to achieve elite status on Yelp, pursue a career in Public Relations and ultimately conquer the world.