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Why Living With Your Best Friends is like Having the Best Pet in the World

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

 I’ve never had a pet, but I imagine it is as awesome as living with your best friends!

1. After a long and tiring day at school, nothing sounds better than going home and cuddling with your roomies

Snuggles are food for the soul

2. You often find yourself showing people pictures of them

But seriously…the world needs to be shown!

3. You find their hair on your clothes when you’re on campus

Can I get a blond and black hair combo knot please?

4. You can tell them your deepest darkest secrets and know that they will never tell anyone!

To the grave it goes!

5. You can inhale an entire bowl of guacamole and know that they will never judge you

I mean real talk, you were probably taking that thing down together #heaven #noregrets

6. You start to feel separation anxiety if you haven’t seen them in a while

Come back!! I miss you!

7. You don’t know what you would do without them, and no one completes you in quite the same way

So much weird, so much love!

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