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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.


If any of you have been keeping up with UCLA Basketball, you should know that he has been a key player this season averaging 10.2 points per game! This basketball star fires up the courts so let’s get an inside scoop on our very own Normal Powell!


-How old were you when you started playing basketball and how did you get into the sport?

I was in seventh grade. My uncle got me into playing basketball. He used to take me to the gym to shoot around and we used to play one on one. I found my love of the sport doing that with him. He always told me that I had potential so I went with it.


-What’s your favorite UCLA memory so far?

Beating USC three times


-Outside of basketball, how do you like to spend your free time?

I’m usually with my teammates. Hanging out, watching TV, getting food and playing XBOX.


-If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?



-Single or Taken?



-What do you look for in a girl? (All my single ladies, this one’s for you!)

She has to be someone I can chill with, easy to talk to, funny, cute, has a nice smile


-Describe you ideal date.

My ideal date would probably be going out to eat, then to a movie, and dessert at the end.



Food?  Chinese Food


Color? Blue


Childhood memory? When I was six years old, my sister and I were playing outside in the backyard and the ball went over the fence and my sister convinced me to go over the fence to get the ball from the neighbors. I got stuck on top of the fence and couldn’t get down until my mom came home.


Movie? He Got Game


Artist/Band? Drake

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