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Meet Our Campus Correspondent: Ekta Partani!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.
1. What inspired you to become involved with Her Campus?
I’ve always been a big fan of the website ever since I stumbled upon it the summer before my freshman year at UCLA. I used to be one of those girls that freaked out about everything college related–from what to wear to class to how to land a decent internship. I had so many little, random college questions that the UCLA welcome packet couldn’t answer. That’s why finding Her Campus was so exciting! I finally had all the answers to my questions about college social life, academics, and other things. So after being a big fan for so long, I decided to apply to be a writer…and well, two years later, here I am today! 
2. What are some of your favorite ways to de-stress?
Probably hanging out/venting/talking to my friends. Nothing de-stresses me more than laughing and acting silly with them. 
3. Without thinking, look around your house. If you were somehow forced to leave your home forever (let’s think Walking Dead status) what would you take with you and why?
My wallet, my phone, and my toothbrush. Just so I could have the basic essentials to find another place to live :) 
4. What is your favorite moment at UCLA so far? 
I have so many that I can’t even name just one. But if I had to pick it would definitely be the UCLA vs USC game last year. Even though I was standing out in the cold pouring rain, it was by far one of the most exciting games I had been to at the Rose Bowl. The pride of being a Bruin and the excitement of victory definitely couldn’t be dampened by the rain! 
5. As a writer, font type is important. What is your favorite font type? Note that choosing Comic Sans might have some serious consequences…only kidding! 
Haha I actually really HATE comic sans. My favorite font type would definitely be Times New Roman. I know, it seems boring…but it looks professional and it’s easy to read. 
Her Campus at UCLA is a proud Elite Level Chapter in the Her Campus. Our team consists of talented writers, content creators, photographers, designers, event planners and more! Follow us @HerCampusUCLA and check out HerCampus.com/school/UCLA for more articles! Feel free to contact us at hc.ucla@hercampus.com for any questions.