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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.


Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, it means that we’re officially into the holiday season. The eating, drinking, and making merry starts with Thanksgiving dinner, but it doesn’t stop there. For the next month, we’re surrounded by the most delicious foods, the tastiest beverages, and before you know it, those cute jeans you were rocking in November won’t come close to zipping up on January 1st.

As a big advocate of BOTH holiday dining and healthy living (which at times definitely come into conflict), I’m offering up some tricks and tips for staying in shape during the holiday season, while still enjoying yourself.


1. Don’t skip out on exercising!

It’s easy once you’ve had that first Peppermint Mocha of the day to want to just curl up under a blanket and sleep/watch TV/eat some more. So make sure to hit the gym early! The less you’ve eaten, the easier it’ll be to move around. Try to get at least 30 minutes of cardio four times a week, and do some kind of strength training on at least two other days. This is a perfect time to connect with friends from home – grab someone and head out for yoga class, then enjoy your holiday treats after!


2. Pick your poison wisely!

While it may to tempting to snack on everything in sight, this is your first mistake. Prioritize your goodies! Instead of munching on a frozen Eggo waffle for breakfast, or sampling your sister’s disastrous first attempt at baking cookies, save those indulgent calories for a hot slice of mom’s best apple pie with a scoop of ice cream, or a gooey peppermint chocolate brownie. Avoid filling up on the Oreos, the Goldfish, the Chips Ahoy – those are calories better spent elsewhere this season.


3. Diets Are Doomed to Fail​ this Season

…so just don’t start one! At least, not a strict one. It’s nice to think that you’ll make it through to New Year’s Day without touching a single Christmas cookie, but odds are, unless your nerves are made of steel, you’ll crack at some point. Instead, be mindful of what you eat day-to-day, but allow yourself indulgences every now and then. A crash-and-burn diet only ends with you cramming more calories in than you saved while you struggled to avoid them.


4. Get the Family Involved

Just because you’re home for the holidays doesn’t mean you have to stay at home. You can still spend that quality family time together in the great outdoors! Go on and get moving! Plan a ski trip or a long hike, (depending on the temperature outside) – everyone else wants to enjoy the delectable treats on the table, and no one loves those holiday pounds. Plus, when you’re done exercising, everyone will be so tired, you’ll likely get some quiet time to nap!


5. Set A Non-Negotiable End Date

Once you start, it’s hard to stop. So if you’ve been letting yourself enjoy those slightly-stale Christmas cookies even on New Year’s Eve, say goodbye to them with a nice glass of champagne! Setting a date in advance to get back to your regular eating habits is good – pick an end-by date, and be firm with yourself. It takes some will-power, but your body will thank you for it when the weather starts getting warmer!


Ultimately, the holidays are a once-in-a-year occasion, so you should always enjoy them to the fullest extent. If you follow these tips and tricks, you’ll stay in shape while still enjoying the holiday treats, and getting ready for bikini season should be a snap!

Her Campus at UCLA is a proud Elite Level Chapter in the Her Campus. Our team consists of talented writers, content creators, photographers, designers, event planners and more! Follow us @HerCampusUCLA and check out HerCampus.com/school/UCLA for more articles! Feel free to contact us at hc.ucla@hercampus.com for any questions.