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Campus Cutie: Michelle Davis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

This week on Campus Cutie we have Michelle Davis. She is a biology major from Long Beach and loves everything from dogs to chocolate goods!


1. What is one of your best memories here at UCLA?

Definitely the friends I made here, from my freshman year to the people I meet to this day. We have created a lot of memories and I really treasure the good times I’ve had since I came to college. A lot of my closest friends are from the organizations I’m in, and it’s definitely made a difference in how my college experience was shaped.

2. What are your plans for winter break?

I plan on hanging out with my friends as well as work at a restaurant back home. When not doing either, I will probably just relax at home and enjoy my time with my family or alone by watching Netflix.

3. Who inspires you to pursue higher education?

My parents, of course. They have always motivated me to do well in school, even at a young age. They are the reason that I am here at UCLA and most importantly, to provide them a better life.

4. What is the career you dream of obtaining in the future?

I want to become a pediatrician in the future. I love kids and I want to be their hero and inspire them to achieve their dreams as well. I would also love to travel to third world countries and work with patients who do not have access to proper health care.

5. What is your favorite personality trait in a person and why?

Loyalty, for sure. The best friendships I have are the ones I can trust the most, and knowing that they will be there in my times of need is more than I could ask for. It’s also the main quality I look for in a partner if I were interested in being in a relationship.

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