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Campus Cutie: Francisco Ibarra

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Meet Francisco Ibarra, a second year English major at UCLA and this week’s Campus Cutie!


What are some of your favorite spots on campus?

The reading room on the second floor of the Humanities building has become my favorite place on campus to get some work done. If I feel like I have enough energy to walk to the northern-most side of campus, I go to Untitled Café. The people that walk into that café are very interesting, and you get a lot of natural light in there.


What’s one thing you are looking forward to this school year?

I am looking forward to the UCLA vs. USC football game. We’re going to make a short trek to the Coliseum to play our rivals and beat them.


What do you like to do for fun?

Read, go to the beach, and hang out with friends. A perfect day for me consists of reading my favorite novel at the beach while with good friends. 


What’s one thing people don’t normally know about you?

People don’t normally know how much I dislike competition. Everyone wins!


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