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Campus Cutie: Fathema Safa

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

                Fathema Safa is one of the most kind-hearted people that you will ever know. She is always on top of her academic and leaves free time for her friends and for herself. In everything she does, she always puts in effort and always makes sure that her work is the best that it can be. Fathema is sure to strive for success not only here at UCLA, but later on in life as well.

  1. What makes you work hard for your success?

My family always makes me want to succeed. My mom and dad are always asking me if I did my homework since I was small and it has been a habit for me. Watching my peers work and how they come about their work also motivate me.

  1. What are some obstacles that you have had to overcome in order to become the person you are today?

When I first came to America, learning English was a difficult challenge to overcome. Aside from that, my family’s economic situation was also very struggling and I have learned to appreciate things more and I believe that has made me a stronger person.

  1. What is something that you have a passion for and why?

I like fashion and it is inspirational for my tradition from Bangladesh. We bring our culture into the fashion world and with it, I see myself from a different perspective.

  1. How would you describe your perfect future life?

I would probably work in a hospital and travel around the world to developing countries to help cure people on proper treatment. I would also have a house, a car, and have enough money to support myself and donate to charity.

  1. Who is someone who motivates and supports your goals?

My parents, for they always accept and appreciate my decisions. By seeing my parents work hard, that motivates me and if they can do it I can do it to.

Her Campus at UCLA is a proud Elite Level Chapter in the Her Campus. Our team consists of talented writers, content creators, photographers, designers, event planners and more! Follow us @HerCampusUCLA and check out HerCampus.com/school/UCLA for more articles! Feel free to contact us at hc.ucla@hercampus.com for any questions.