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Campus Celebrity: Braunny Ramirez

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Braunny Ramirez is an amazing woman who has done so much in her UCLA undergrad career. From speaking Russian at a graduate level to studying abroad in Russia and Korea, Braunny is a well rounded individal who has so much to offer the world.

Tell me about your time in Russia.

I got accepted into the Critical Language Scholarship. It funds your study abroad in a foreign country where a critical language is spoken. Some critical languages are Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian. I was there for two months in the summer. I was in the city of Ufa which is a city near the Ural Mountains. It was an interesting time to be there, Edward Snowden had recently revealed a lot of information about the NSA. I happened to be in Russia when he was granted asylum in Russia.

What fascinates you about the Russian culture?

I really love the language; I think it sounds really beautiful.

What do you do in your free time?

I usually go out and watch films. I have no qualms about watching shows or movies by myself. I almost never invite anyone to the movies or to theaters to see a show just because I do enjoy going by myself. I value the time I get to spend with myself.

Where do you see yourself ten years from now?

I see myself working abroad in another country. I am fascinated with the idea of ­living in other countries. I love the U.S. and I consider it my home but I really do think that I will be working in other countries in the future. I will probably be working as a lawyer or a business woman in another country.

Who inspires you to be the woman you are?

My mom. She didn’t have the best childhood and grew up in poverty. She raised me as a single mom until I was six and she became a single mom again when I was 14. Seeing how she raised three kids by herself, I really look up to her and hope that in the future I will be as strong as her and a good mother like she is. She’s been my support system my whole life, and I hope that one day I can give her everything that she’s ever dreamed off since she has sacrificed so much for me and my brothers.

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