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Campus Celebrity Andrea Beard

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

This week’s campus celebrity is Andrea Beard! She is an English major attracted to art, history, music, and all things that are rich in culture. Andrea takes this love for art and expression to the next level with her musical talents. Andrea is a very talented singer with a voice that allows you to connect with her on an emotional level. Her talents are now pouring into other forms of music such as the ukulele. Check her out on youtube! : 


What are your earliest memories of singing?Haha, well when I was in second grade, for Christmas my parents gave me a boombox and the Pocahontas soundtrack. I used to stand in front of it and belt out “Colors of the Wind” on repeat everyday! To this day, they hate that song.

What drew you to music?I can’t say I was conscious of it so much as a kid, but I think the feeling of expression through song really hit me as I grew into my early adolescence. Bands like My Chemical Romance and Panic! at the Disco really fit into my “teenage angst,” and as I got older, jazz music. If anything, the adaptability of music makes it a very attractive art form.

What instruments are you interested in learning?At the moment, ukulele although I only know a few basic chords! But if I ever had the chance and time, I’ve always been fond of the saxophone.

What is your major and your hobbies?I’m an English major. As a result, I find that I am always reading! Although I’ve been pretty irresponsible, and reading Lord of the Rings instead of what I’m assigned in class. Also, I am an avid collector of tea, and a connosieur of tacos? I might just be the most boring person in the world.

Do you have a dream job? Dream job–I don’t know for sure, although anything that would permit me to travel the world would be ideal. Here’s hoping!

Tell me about your study abroad experience.It was the most life-changing experience of my life. I think, if I had to put a long story short, I went through a really tough time the summer before my trip to London. It was hard adjusting to university, and with everything that had happened back in my hometown. But there was something so magical about London–the literature, art, history and natural beauty of the UK was very healing, and the experience itself was educational. A lot of very beautiful things happened there, and even though I thought I’d be bummed out after coming back, I’ve been incandescently happy ever since.

Advice you would give to your younger self? I would like to tell my younger self that it’s OK to be shy, and bookish, but that the world isn’t the scary place that the movies always try and depict it as being. I’d tell her that there are beautiful things in the world, and that confidence doesn’t require an extroverted POV, but can also be quiet, and observant. I think I really could’ve used that advice as a younger person.

 Do you collaborate with others and if so what is the process like? 

I collaborate with my high school friend–who is also my best friend. Our collaboration process is as follows: We hear new music, or mull over music that we’ve loved forever and decide to play it! It’s definitely a random hobby. 

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