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Bruins Win Pac-12 Tournament Against Wildcats

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Bruins were all smiles yesterday as they defeated the Arizona Wildcats 75-71 yesterday. UCLA began the game with a comfortable lead in the first half, until Arizona started to regain ground. At halftime the score was 43-40 Bruins.

Kyle Anderson – who was named the tournament’s most valuable player – scored 21 points and had 5 assists. 

The game was neck to neck towards the end of the last half. With less than one minute left, the Wildcats and Bruins were tied 68-68 until UCLA Sophomore Adams made a three pointer, and sealed the win to everyone’s delight.

UCLA’s win could not have been more huge, as the Bruins are now the winners of the Pac-12 Championship. 


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