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5 Reasons Why Girl Power is the Best Power

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

“Who run the world? Girls.” Beyoncé made an excellent point and we are going to take a quick moment to thank and appreciate girls for just being girls. 

1. Loyalty 

If anyone decides to hurt your feelings, that person is immediately dead to your girls. They will refuse to forgive them (even if you do) and will be ready to fight them if they ever come close to you again. Everyone deserves to have a loyal group of girls who will stand by you and defend you no matter what. 

2. Friendship

Especially in college, building friendships is one of the most important things you can dedicate your time to. From eating meals together to exploring the city, it’s always a good feeling to know that someone’s got your back.

3. Unity

If you find yourself in a sticky situation with a guy at a bar or if you end up alone at a party, sometimes girls will notice and ask if you’re okay. It feels like girls can pick up on certain vibes that guys can’t when it comes to these types of situations and it’s nice to know that even if you don’t know the other girls around you, they’re still looking out for you and your safety.  

4. Random Compliments

There’s such a huge difference between a guy giving you a random compliment versus a girl giving you a random compliment. If a guy sees you in public and gives you a compliment, you usually feel like he’s just saying it to hit on you. Compliments from other girls usually feel more genuine and meaningful and you typically give one back to them as well, which further spreads the kindness.

5. Girls Just “Get It”

Need a tampon, pad, or a hair tie? Other girls know what it’s like to be in your shoes and they realize that they would want you to do the same for them in that exact situation. 

Image courtesy of Megan Reusche

Megan is UCLA's Co-Campus Correspondent. She is a 4th year English major and Education Studies minor at UCLA. When she's not at a coffee shop reading, she loves going to the beach and trying different cuisines at new restaurants.
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