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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.


Coming from a girl that has been in a relationship for the majority of college, the number one piece of advice that I could possibly give to a college freshman (or anyone in a sh*!!y relationship for that matter), would be to stay single in college. Ironic… right? Sure, I know what you’re thinking – OK great here we go another sob story about a girl that got her heart broken by her high school sweetheart or the president of Alpha-whatever fraternity. But that’s actually the exact opposite of what I want you to know. You see, these years, these four short years of college, are actually the BEST four years of your entire life. (I know you’ve probably heard that at least 10x.) But honestly, the world really is yours – if you let it be. 

You can be as selfish as you want. 

Being in your twenties is about doing things that make YOU happy. It is the time to really focus on yourself and what YOU want in life. I feel like so many people get distracted in doing what other people want, and don’t feel fulfilled upon graduating college because they relied so heavily on a significant other that let them down or held them back. Whatever way you put it, the truth is – this is your time to shine, not anyone else’s. You need to experience these things alone and find out who you really are and what you really want to do. 

You can save yourself the drama and the heartache. 

What’s more fun than sitting alone in your room at night crying over the a**hole that broke your heart?! Umm… yeah that’s right absolutely ANYTHING! Staying single in college means that you are living for “me, myself, and I.” You do not need to be impatiently waiting by the phone hoping that he will FaceTime you, praying that he isn’t hooking up with someone at the end of the night, or wishing that your sorority sister won’t call you to tell you that he tried to take her home. Trust me on this one – save yourself the heartache. There is no worse feeling in the world than the love of your life (or so you thought) making you cry at your college tailgate, sorority social, local bar, or most importantly… taking away your true happiness. 

You’ll feel more confident and more I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T than ever. 

Girls are simple. It seems like guys are the complicated ones lately. In reality, we all want to just have enough money in our bank account to go to Chipotle and we want to be able to have a rocking hot bod without having to go to the gym. Being in a relationship means you’re relying on someone else to bring you that Chipotle bowl or boost your confidence by commenting on your latest insta-pic “omg you’re so beautiful.” Staying single in college doesn’t have to mean being lonely. It means that you have more time to be independent and focus on your own goals. You’ll feel way more confident and self-sufficient when you buy your first car and get straight A’s, than when your boyfriend buys you that ring you wanted for last Christmas because well – it’s last season’s now. 

You’ll never be able to be as young and stupid with your friends again in your life. 

Drunken nights with your best friends believe it or not are extremely limited. Never again in your life will you have ladies night out on a Monday or Pita Pit runs at 3 in the morning with your crazy girlfriends. After graduation, you and all of your friends are all going to go your separate ways. It’s honestly insane to think about your big or little having a real job, husband, or even in a child – (wow that thought actually really freaks me out). These four years fly by sooner than you think, so don’t take a second of your time for granted. 

Now I know that this article probably isn’t going to change your life (if it does hey- kudos to you). You might be sitting here thinking wow… she’s so right. I’m going to take this advice and move on but hello – we’re all living, breathing human beings here, and it’s not possible to just turn off feelings. I’m honestly surprised there isn’t an off button for that yet. But trust me when I say that when you start living and doing things for yourself, you’ll be 1000000000x happier than you ever were before… without the a**hole that you’re thinking of while reading this article.