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Proof That Brad Pitt Is Actually Perfect

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Whether he’s wearing a leather skirt in Troy, playing a bad boy thief in Thelma and Louise, or acting as a Jewish-American soldier in Inglouroious Basterds, Brad Pitt can play virtually any role. And with his latest film Fury being a major box office hit (no surprise there), Brad Pitt is all the rage in Hollywood (again, no surprise there). As a film student, I can’t imagine many other actors I’d want to work with more than him, for very obvious reasons. So, let’s all take a moment to appreciate the perfectness that is Brad Pitt.

I think it’s very necessary to include Brad Pitt’s age in this discussion. The man is 50 years old. I mean if we’re being honest, my dad isn’t much older than him and that totally freaks me out. But seriously, does this look like a 50 year old to you?!

It’s also important to note that he’s pretty damn funny. If you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to check out Zack Galifanakis’ latest Between Two Ferns featuring Brad Pitt, or “Bradley Pitts”

http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/83609486f9/between-two-ferns-with-zach-galifianakis-brad-pitt “How old were you when you lost your virginity? Zero?”


Now, I may be a Northerner, but there’s something about that almost Southern accent of his that I just can’t get enough of. And when he adds a cowboy hat into the mix- whoa, Nelly! Remember him in the 1991 film Thelma and Louise? I mean really, what a total babe.


Also, he’s not one of those actors who just steered clear of college and became a total star. Although he skipped out two weeks early on getting a degree so that he could move to Los Angeles, Brad attended the University of Missouri where he studied Journalism. Oh boy, can’t you just picture collegiate Brad Pitt drinking coffee while studying in the library listening to Bon Iver? Or is that just my personal hipster fantasy? If he were in college now, he would totally be a “Campus Cutie.”


Okay, I admit he slightly looks like Bono in this look… But I can’t sit here and say he’s not rocking those two-toned glasses harder than anyone else ever could.


Going off of fashion, let’s look back at the time he dated Juliette Lewis while she wore cornrows on the red carpet. I mean, the man obviously appreciated a girl with a fun side.


Let’s all take a short break to admire Brad in all of his shirtless glory:


Okay, back to the serious stuff. The amount of charity work he does is amazing. He founded the Make It Right Foundation, which is a non-profit organization that aids in rebuilding the Lower 9th Ward in New Orleans after the destruction of Hurricane Katrina. Also, Brad and Angelina have adopted 3 of their six children all from different countries. For the 3 children of their own, the rights for the first images of them were all sold for millions, and all of the proceeds were given to charity. Overall, these two give a generous amount of their earning away to those who need it.


Speaking of the couple, did you know that Brad has decided not to do any more sex scenes with other women in movies because he’s so in love with Angelina Jolie? I mean what a man am I right? (But, rumor has it that the couple’s latest film By The Sea will have “crazy sex scenes,” so keep an eye out for that). Now, Brangelina from the start was never the typical fairytale couple, and I can’t sit here and say I wasn’t Team Aniston, but no one can deny that this right here is a power couple:


Question: have you ever dated a guy whose friends just totally sucked? You wouldn’t have to worry about that if you dated Brad. His close friends all range very high on the near perfect scale as well. I mean he’s best bros with George Clooney and no joke, recently he tossed Matthew McConaughey a beer from his New Orleans home when he saw him across the way on another balcony.



All I’m really trying to say is, men like Brad Pitt only come around once in a blue moon, so I think it’s incredibly important to appreciate them. And okay okay so nobody is perfect blah blah blah, but you must admit- he’s pretty damn close.

UCF Contributor