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Netflix Has Helped Me Through Every Hardship in My Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Let’s just say my life has been pretty blessed so far and I would consider myself to be very fortunate, however, I have gone through a lot of traumatic experiences and I have one thing in addition to my friends and family that was my saving grace and believe it or not, it was Netflix. When I went through a bad breakup at the beginning of this year, Netflix was there waiting with Gilmore Girls and Luke’s diner and all of their drama and sass. When my grandma died, Orange Is the New Black was there for me to escape with the Piper and Alex drama and the changing relationships and attitudes every episode.

When I dealt with some hard issues within myself and those that manifested on the outside as well, I looked up WWW.Netflix.com and started a new show, just so that I could get away. I lived life as fictional characters on screen: as Emma from Once Upon a Time, as Rory from Gilmore Girls, as Violet from American Horror Story. I didn’t have a preference for what shows I watched, I just watched them and I was a part of them and they were a part of me.

Every time I’ve wanted to get away or distract myself with something that isnt necessarily bad for my body (unless I decide to binge eat while I bing watch),  I have put on Netflix and just chilled out. It has always been the one activity that has provided me with comfort and solace within my own four walls. When I’m watching Netflix I feel safe and I understand what is going on and I can grasp the small world that is within my twelve inch computer screen. I get it, and it gets me. This is the main reason why Netflix has helped me through every hardship in my life. In a way, I feel like we are in a long term relationship and our love for one another keeps growing as I continue to let it in on different aspects of my life, and my different interests. Netflix continues to get to know me better and suggest fantastic shows for me to watch. We just know each other so well. If you are looking for a long term relationship, a shoulder to cry on, or just something fun to do, I would most definitely recommend Netflix by all means. I’ve decided to put together a list of reasons why Netflix is amazing and will help you too when you are going through a hard time. 


1. You can multitask.

It’s easy to cook, clean, do laundry or even do homework while watching Netflix (I wouldn’t recommend the last one though).

2. There are so many different selections to choose from.

There are so many different shows to choose from, how can you ever be bored?

3. You can watch it somewhere comfortable.

Watching Netflix in bed? There’s nothing better.

4. With whoever you want. 

You can watch Netflix with your bae, your best friend or just by yourself. It’s an activity everybody loves.

5. You can binge eat and binge watch at the same time. 

There’s no shame in eating a few bags of popcorn while you binge watch that show. #sorrynotsorry

6. It’s a non-harmful way to get out your frustrations (besides being lazy)

It won’t negatively impact you, so why not try out Netflix and see how it works for you?


Photo Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6



I am a writing and rhetoric major at the University of Central Florida and I really love tacos and pugs (the dog breed). I am a writer for Her Campus UCF and have been writing since I was eight years old :). My great grandfather won the Pulitzer Prize so I have some big shoes to fill.
UCF Contributor