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Chic Geek of the Week: Ally Smith

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.
In honor of Pottermore.com, “Talk Nerdy to Me”‘s second “Chic Geek of the Week” is Her Campus staff member, avid Harry Potter blogger, and fellow witch – Ally Smith!
Chic Geek of the Week Profile

Name: Ally Smith
Field of study: Event Management/Magazine Journalism
Extracurricular activities: “HerCampusing” :), reading, talking about girl stuff with my best friends, going to the gym, watching movies, going to Wal-Mart at 1 a.m., and anything else I end up getting myself into
When I grow up I’m going to be a: writer, editor, mother, event planner
(Even though I really wish I were an): actress or singer
Favorite subject: English and History
Astrological sign: Pisces 
Dweeb crush: Rupert Grint and Tom Felton (I couldn’t possibly choose between them!)
Favorite geeky movie: The Fifth Element
The lamest music that I (not-so-secretly) listen to: ‘Dirty Pop’ by Nsync will occasionally come on shuffle and I won’t hesitate to belt out the words
Favorite book: Harry Potter series (duh)
Geekiest interest: Space and the universe
The geekiest website (that I LOVE): Tumblr!
The best gadget: iTouch (That I own…I wouldn’t mind an iPad though!) 
The nerdiest thing that I own or wear: Spongebob Squarepants Slippers 
The dorkiest thing that I do: Freak out when someone uses bad grammar
Most embarrassing moment (that I’m willing to put in a magazine): I had the hiccups one day at work; I was on the service desk and had to call someone to their register. So over the loudspeaker I go, “Katie to your reg-HICCUP.” The entire store heard it, and all of the customers waiting in line laughed. My face turned bright red! But at least I was laughing with them.
Words of wisdom: “Everything happens for a reason.”
Are you a “Chic Geek”?  E-mail jacquelynnefaith@gmail.com to tell us why, and you can be featured here!