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9 Pieces of Advice From Ron Swanson That Will Change Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

If anyone has watched the show Parks and Recreation, they know who the notorious Ron Swanson is. He’s a patriotic, realistic, bacon and waffles loving man with a thick moustache and he loves whiskey almost as much as he loves women. Not only is he just plain bad-ass but he also gives some pretty great advice without even meaning to and isn’t that really the best kind of advice, anyways? Here are some of Ron’s most shining moments and moments that will help you in your journey through life as well.


1. Always remember to eat the first meal of the day.

Ron is reminding us that eating breakfast is imperative and you should always eat as much as you can so that your performance in being a bad-ass can improve through the nutrition of food.


2. You shouldn’t care what people think. 

Don’t even care is a great life motto to have, thanks for reminding us to not care about what people think, Ron.


3. Alcohol is great.

There is no wrong way to consume alcohol Ron Swanson, you are very correct. This is just yet another reminder that it is okay to have a few too many drinks and dance on a table if you want.


4. Ice cream is amazing. Eat it as much as you can.

Eat icecream. Frequently. It’s OK to splurge.


5. Be good at something.


That is right, Ron. It’s better to be very good at one thing than average at a bunch of things. Put your heart and soul into one area of your life and maybe one day you’ll be as cool as Ron Swanson.


6. Don’t talk to anyone. Ever. 

This is great advice because if you never speak to others then you will never have to deal with the complexity that is known as humans. Good thinking, Ron!


7. Feel free to splurge.

It is totally fine to have seconds or thirds. You should totally indulge yourself, especially when it comes to food. At least that is Ron’s opinion.


8. Don’t let media consume you. 

Sometimes technology is not necessary. Social media is just too much to handle, you know?


9. Praise yourself for hard work.

It is okay to take pride in your hard work and to appreciate all the effort that you put in.


As you can see, Ron Swanson has a lot of fantastic advice to offer, whether it be about food, hard work and effort or just existing and he never fails to disappoint. 



Photo credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. 9

I am a writing and rhetoric major at the University of Central Florida and I really love tacos and pugs (the dog breed). I am a writer for Her Campus UCF and have been writing since I was eight years old :). My great grandfather won the Pulitzer Prize so I have some big shoes to fill.
UCF Contributor