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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Name: Sara Cefalu

Year: Junior

Major: American Studies

Hometown: Sunnyvale, CA

Relationship Status: Single

Favorite thing about UCD?

The laid back vibe of the town and how friendly everyone is.

If you could only eat at one downtown Davis restaurant, which would be?

Thai Canteen, for sure.

Favorite memory at UCD?

Living in the dorms freshman year. My floor was super chill and we all got really close, especially on days when it was raining and we all decided not to go to class.

Favorite Season?

Definitely the summer! I love the sun, warm weather, and being home with my friends and family.

Favorite TV Show?


How do you relax after a long week of classes?

I go running to Putah Creek; being outside makes me happy. Or, I’ll hang out with my roommates and drink wine!

If someone gave you an all expense paid trip to go anywhere, where would you go?

Right now, I want to go South America because I just studied abroad in Europe and I want to experience something new!

If you could have any live band at a party, who would it be?

Lynyrd Skynyrd because I really want to hear “Sweet Home Alabama” live.  

Sunrise or sunset?

Sunrise. It’s a beautiful way to start the day!

The mountains or the beach?

That’s so hard. Can I pick both? 

What’s your biggest turn-off?

When a guy isn’t genuine. It’s very important to me to be with people who are kind-hearted.

I am a 22 year old senior who enjoys watching Friends with a glass of wine. Currently in the process of figuring out Adulthood. 
This is the UCD Contributor page from University of California, Davis!