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Succeeding – Not Squirming – as Snakes in 2013

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.



The year of 2013 marks the beginning of the Year of the Snake, which is associated with the twelve-year cycle of animals in the Chinese Zodiac.  Those born in years such as 1977, 1989, and 2001 are celebrating this month with other famous snakes that include John F. Kennedy, Oprah Winfrey, Kanye West, and Pablo Picasso.  Officially starting Chinese New Year Day on February 10th, the Year of the Snake in 2013 specifically brings attention to discipline, progress, and caution in everyday life.  This year also represents the ideal time to begin detail-intensive work in investigations and research. 

Like the other animals in the Chinese Zodiac, snakes possess their own particular personality traits and complexities.  Those born in the Year of the Snake are generally regarded as intelligent, insightful, and thinkers with creative ideas.  Their calm behavior in conflict and cleverness allows them to act as quick problem-solvers.  Self-reliant and driven toward their goals, snakes seek to avoid failure and desire control over situations they are involved with.  Because of this, they can become easily stressed and enjoy pampering and luxury whenever possible.  A snake’s fashionable touch adds comfort and elegance into the home to have a tranquil and stylish environment to relax in.

Socially, snakes are known to have a mysterious reputation as withdrawn and emotionally private people.  As independent and egotistical individuals, they may carry deep suspicions and distrust in even their friends in social situations.  Similar to the cold and calculating characteristics of the animal, strong reactions of resentment and hostility may result when snakes are betrayed.  They are not easy to forgive and do not hide their discontent when irritated. 

In romantic relationships, however, snakes dislike rejection and passionately pursue their love interest, despite already being attractive and having a sense of humor.  With snakes, partners should be aware of their possessiveness and jealousy and must have patience in dealing with their behavioral traits when angered.  Snakes are most compatible with those born in the Year of the Rooster and Ox and the least compatible with the Tigers and Pigs.

The Year of the Snake in 2013 represents economic prosperity and job opportunities with the application of a snake’s hard-working characteristics.  Their great sense of responsibility should extend into controlling greediness and maintaining their expenses well. While taking advantage of financial gains, they should also be proactive in relationships by overcoming their social awkwardness and relational obstacles to interact with others.  Overall, snakes in 2013 should use their strengths to the fullest extent and do their best to set aside their weaknesses, recognizing the potential they have to move forward in their lifelong goals and make this New Year the most productive.  


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Celina is a third year economics major at UC Irvine.  Her interests include playing sports, reading the news and books, and trying new food.  Besides being a writer for Her Campus, Celina is also a member of Active Minds, a mental health awareness club, and the karate club at UCI and is a site supervisor for an outreach program for high school freshmen.  