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Frankly Chat and KIISFM Comes to UCI!

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.


Come and join KIISFM and Her Campus UCI tomorrow April 9th from11-3pm on Ring Road for some good music and free goodies and learn about Frankly Chat!

What is Frankly Chat? Frankly chat is an awesome new app that takes chatting to a whole new level! Some awesome things that the app does that you can’t do in a regular text message:

·         It allows you to change the color of your message to match your mood. And with just a pinch you can make the lettering smaller or bigger!

·         You can UNSEND messages! If you accidently pressed send when you didn’t mean to, you can unsend the message before the other person sees it, no matter when            you sent it or who you sent it too! I bet you wish you could do that with regular text messaging.

·         If you are abroad, you can use Frankly Chat to keep in touch with all your friends for free! All you need is a Wi-Fi connection!


And there is so much more you can do with Frankly Chat! With all of these cool new ways to chat now you can say what you want to say, HOW you want to say it. To learn more about Frankly Chat come check us out tomorrow! Click Here and go check out the app for yourself!