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10 Struggles of Being a Tall Girl

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

Tall girls. We love ‘em, we hate ‘em, we do not know what to do with them. Whether it’s asking us to reach things on the highest shelf or asking about the “weather up there”, here are some inevitable struggles every tall girl can relate to.

  1. Asking “Is he tall” every time someone wants to introduce you to a potential guy.

  2. Hearing “OMG you are so tall. How tall are you?”, on the daily.

  3. Having to settle for flats instead of wearing your heels. And if you wear the heels, being judged for it.

  4. Not having enough leg room ANYWHERE. Whether it’s in class, on the plane, at dinner, or in the car, there’s just never enough space.

  5. Shaving takes forever because you have a lot of leg to cover.

6. Finding it nearly impossible to find a cute tall guy, and when you finally do, he is already taken by a short girl.

7. Getting your head cut out of most photos…unless you do a sorority squat.

8. If you want to see your whole body in a full length mirror, prepare to step back 8-10 feet.

9. Hearing girls under 5”9 talking about how “tall” they are.

10. Being an awkward dancer because your long limbs swing all over the place.