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4 Ideal Outfits for Each Type of Thanksgiving Celebration

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

For me personally, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, one that reminds me of both unity and diversity. While we’re all celebrating, there is undeniably a lot that we can do with our loved ones. When it comes down to it, here are some outfit ideas for each occasion!


1. Dashing Date for a Fancy Thanksgiving Dinner

To spice it up, wear burnt orange to fit the scene. A mini dress that is form-fitting will look perfect with a cover-up thrown over it.

2. Family Gatherings with the Grandparents

For events like these, it is always safer to wear a flowy skirt with sheer tights matched with a pair of leather booties. Embellish the simple outfit with an infinity scarf. 

Make sure to look photo-worthy because these will go in the photo-albums for eternity.

3. Meeting the Boyfriend’s Family

Spending time with new people is bound to be an intimidating experience but especially when it is your boyfriend’s family. I’ve been there and all I can say is that first impressions are critical but not as critical as the way you make them feel in the long run. That being said, jeans with formal flat shoes will work just fine. The top should ideally be a little more business casual, either a fashionable button-up or a fancy blazer. 


4. Festive Outfits to Entertain Little Children

There are moments in life where what you look like does not matter, as long as you are surrounded by all the gratefulness and love that you so wholly deserve. If your family enjoys more of a party for the young ones, dress up in that turkey costume and flaunt it! 


Now, if you haven’t yet made plans for Thanksgiving, it’s about time. If you’ve forgotten to think of all that you are thankful for, I challenge you to write down three aspects of your life that you absolutely love for the upcoming week. While you’re at it, express your gratefulness for those that it pertains to. Life is good.

Melody A. Chang

UC Berkeley '19

As a senior undergraduate, I seek out all opportunities that expand my horizons, with the aim of developing professionally and deepening my vision of how I can positively impact the world around me. While most of my career aims revolve around healthcare and medicine, I enjoy producing content that is informative, engaging, and motivating.  In the past few years, I have immersed myself in the health field through working at a private surgical clinic, refining my skills as a research assistant in both wet-lab and clinical settings, shadowing surgeons in a hospital abroad, serving different communities with health-oriented nonprofits, and currently, exploring the pharmaceutical industry through an internship in clinical operations.  Career goals aside, I place my whole mind and soul in everything that I pursue whether that be interacting with patients in hospice, consistently improving in fitness PR’s, tutoring children in piano, or engaging my creativity through the arts. Given all the individuals that I have yet to learn from and all the opportunities that I have yet to encounter in this journey, I recognize that I have much room and capacity for growth. Her Campus is a platform that challenges me to consistently engage with my community and to simultaneously cultivate self-expression.