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Only Child by Birth, Sisters by Choice

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

Only Child by Birth Sisters by Choice

        Growing up, I was an only child that considered my dog to be my little brother. When it came to playing with toys, I usually played with my parents, by myself, or with my cousin. Many people may think that growing up as an only child can be very lonely, but I am here to say that I don’t consider myself an only child anymore. I’ve had a lot of friends growing up, but it was not until college that I realized that my friends were more like sisters to me. We even decided to get a little creative and give ourselves a group name called “006.” When it was time for me to go off to college, I thought that I would be home sick because I was raised as an only child. Although this was not the case, I did miss my parents but by developing sisters like these made it easier on missing my parents less.  These are the girls that I have grown close to in the last past two years that I have spent at UAB. We are always a phone call or a walk down the hall away, we call each others parents mom/dad, and most importantly we have each others back. Of course like all siblings do, we aggravate one another and even get annoyed sometimes. Although in the end we all still love each other.