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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

Name: Angela Nguyen

Age: 20

Major: Public Health

Classification: Junior

Hometown: Huntsville, AL


Mickeah: What made you choose your major?

Angela: I like how Public Health gives me a different perspective on things. A lot of things in Public Health are common sense so it kind of gives you a new perspective on things. Since I’m going to Medical School, I think it’s a good skill to have and acquire and to be open-minded.


Mickeah: What is your favorite thing about UAB?

Angela: My favorite thing about UAB is that it is really diverse with all types of people. I like how people are open-minded and I just feel comfortable and at home here.


Mickeah: What is one thing that you are passionate about?

Angela: One thing I’m passionate about is helping people. That is the reason why I wanted to go to Medical School because when I was younger, my parents always instilled in me that no matter how someone treats you, you should always lend a helping hand. Which is why I’m involved in organizations such as Pathways and 1917 Clinic and why I am attracted to Public Health because it is helping people and the world.


Mickeah: Who inspires you?

Angela: My parents inspire me because they are immigrants and they came here with nothing and knowing no English, so it was really hard to advance when you don’t have any resources to rely on. With my parents starting from very little and now being financially stable, able to raise both my sister and me, for us to be okay, giving us the gift of education and everything we need to do well is what inspires me to keep going on because them starting from very little and still succeeding, I have no reason not to and it would be sort of ungrateful for me not to keep going because it would be a waste of opportunity that not everyone gets.


Mickeah: If you had to describe yourself in three words what would they be?

Angela: Sensitive, Caring and Organized


Mickeah: If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be?

Angela: It’s so bad because I honestly just want to meet the Kardashians because they are interesting lol.


Mickeah: What organizations are you involved in here on campus

Angela: Alpha Xi Delta, Habitat for Humanity & AED


Mickeah: Do you hold any officer positions within your sorority, Alpha Xi Delta?

Angela: I do, I am the Academic Achievement Director for my sorority.


Mickeah: What is your favorite part about your position as Academic Achievement Director?

Angela: Since I’m the Academic Achievement Director for my sorority, I like that I have to talk to all the sisters. It’s really hard to talk to everyone because of life in general and everyone is busy, so it’s nice I have to talk to them so that I can get to know a bunch of different people.


Mickeah: What are your hopes for your future?

Angela: Hopefully, I will get accepted into Medical School and become a physician in the future and be able to impact people in a very helpful and positive way, that is the goal.


Mickeah: What are your Spring Break plans?

Angela: Studying for the MCAT, it’s fun stuff ?


Congratulations on all of your current success, Angela! & Good luck studying for the MCAT!! Her Campus UAB wishes you all of the success in your future endeavours.


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