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How To Get Supermodel Confidence

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

Confidence is one of those things that seems to come and go. One day you’re feeling great, and the next day you’ve spilled coffee down your white dress and your boyfriend just dumped you. So, what do you do on those days when you’re feeling less than your best? Steal these tips and tricks from these confidence gurus:


1. When life seems messy, clean up! A messy atmosphere may be dragging you down and by literally organizing your life, you’ll feel better. Bria, a Miami-based model says, “I like to make sure everything is organized, like hair, makeup, and wardrobe and that everybody on set has positive energy. I won’t shoot if there’s negativity around me. If things aren’t going my way, I just channel it into being sexy…I use that anger as motivation and let it drive my emotions and expressions.”

2. Don’t try to stay put-together all of the time. Confidence should come naturally, not with ten pounds of makeup or 5-inch heels. The prettiest girls are the most natural. Parker Mays, a Communications major says, “Don’t try too hard, it’s its a turn off when girls dress in skimpy clothes. It’s immature. You can tell definitely tell when confidence is fake, and their insecurities usually come out pretty easily. I’d prefer a girl in a sundress than a someone who looks uncomfortable in stripper heels and a tight dress.”

3. “Haters gonna hate”. People are always going to try to drag you down, but you have to believe in your goals and stick to them. Brittany Lewis, Manager of Campus Development for Her Campus says, “When I was at Boston College and starting the branch, some people (especially guys) would joke about Her Campus as though it wasn’t legitimate because it was too girly and pink. But the branch ended up being really successful in the end because my co-President and I, as well as our team, really believed in what we were doing and the value of Her Campus. As long as you believe in yourself and whatever it is that you’re passionate about…it doesn’t matter what anyone else says.”

4. Experiment with different makeup and hair ideas. Ana Escalante, a fashion merchandising student says, “When I’m not feeling or looking my best, I put my hair in a high bun, do something fun with my make up, maybe do big lashes, liquid eyeliner for the top of my lashes and a bold lip.”

5. Believe in yourself. Do you have a big presentation coming up in class or a part in your school musical? Trust in what you’ve practiced. Rhiannon Johns, a cross-country runner at UAB says, “In running a lot of confidence comes from the amount of work that you put in, so I like to look over my training log and take in how hard I’ve actually worked to get to the starting line. When you look back on a solid block of 100+ mile weeks, it really gives you the confidence that you’re prepared to handle whatever the race throws at you.” So, look over your notes a couple of times before a big exam, I promise you’ll feel more confident going into it. 

6. Listen to your mom and stand up straighter. This simple trick makes you look five pounds lighter, and face it, no one wants to look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. So, shoulders back, stomach in…wait, was that a hot guy looking at you? I think so…

Jaime is a junior at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. There she is the captain of her varsity golf team and a journalism and English double-major. She is an active member in the Student Athletic Advisory Committee where she helps organize volunteer opportunities and social functions for student-athletes at UAB. Jaime enjoys cooking, entertaining friends, reading/writing blogs, fashion, and of course, golf. She aspires to eventually write for a major magazine or write chick-lit books.