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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.
Name: Deepali Anisha Bajaj
Age: 19
Classification: Sophomore 
Major: Psychology, Pre-Med
Relationship Status​: Single
HC: Where are you from?
D: Born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi, but my family is originally from Punjab, India.
HC: What’s something interesting that most people don’t know about you?
D: I was an athlete in high school; I played basketball and ran track and cross-country. My teams won 2 state championships and because of this I met a couple of pretty amazing people who have helped shape me into who I am.
HC: What is 1 beauty product that you can’t live without? Pick one!
D: If you know me, you know that I have a problem when it comes to beauty products/cosmetics. It’s an expensive obsession. So I cant pick just one. My fav beauty product probably has to be coconut oil because it’s so useful. My current fav cosmetic product is probably The Korean BB cream by Mesha; I love makeup but I don’t like wearing a full-face everyday. I like this bb cream because it has good coverage and is actually good for my skin. (Also love Mac’s studio finish concealer, great for those sleepless nights).
HC: Describe your style.
D: I like a lot of classic pieces that I can tailor to fit my mood when I wear them. I love anything and everything black or leopard print, and my gold watch is a must statement piece for me.
HC: What makes a good friend?
D: I’ve learned not to use the term “friend” too loosely, but I really value the few best friends that I do have. I am extremely loyal and protective of my friends… If you’re mine, I’m the type of friend you call when you need help burying a body. 
HC: Any guilty pleasures?
D: Anything fattening a vegetarian can get her hands on lol and of course hours and hours of Grey’s Anatomy on Netflix even though I’ve seen every episode like 3 times. ​
Kryshonna is a senior at the University of Alabama at Birmingham majoring in marketing. She is passionate about food, creating, and finding small ways to be happy. When she isn't acting as the Campus Correspondent, she can be found catching dinner with friends, wandering around Birmingham, or catching up on Youtube. She has a new found love for the color baby pink along with a number of other things including: working out, boba tea, and fuzzy things. For inspiration and fashion posts, you can follow her on Instagram @kokokrys.  Schedule Schedule