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3 Tips For Transfer Students

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

3 Tips for Transfer Students

Transferring to a new school can be very intimidating. Whether you are 5miles away from home or 500 hundred miles away, everyone adjusts differently. Here are a few tips to make your transition go more smoothly.

1. Be Yourself!

I cannot stress this enough, transferring to another school gives you the opportunity to leave your past behind, have a fresh start and experience new things. So stay true to yourself, stand your ground behind the things you believe in. 9 times out of 10 people who you’re trying to impress can tell if you are being yourself or not. Why would you want people to believe you are something when you aren’t? That just causes more problems in the long run. And if those people can’t except you for who you are then that’s their loss! But it is up to you to give everyone the chance to know the REAL YOU.

2. Get Involved

There are ENDLESS opportunities that pave the way for transfer students to get involved in their campus community. Many schools have pages on their campus website that lists all of the organization, clubs, groups, etc that the University has for students. Look into those that you may have interest in. You don’t have to join the organizations right away, you can always for more information & attend interest meetings. Also, a lot of schools have an organization for Transfer Students only. It is a great opportunity to meet new people, friends, and those whom you share similar interests with. Binge watching Netflix everyday may seem fun for now, but trust me it won’t be that great when you are doing it weekend after weekend.

3. Have Fun!

Of course being a transfer student in a new environment can cause a ton of stress, but your 4 years of undergrad only comes around once! So go out, have fun, live it up :) Social mixers are a great on campus way to have fun as well. Don’t pass up these opportunities, take advantage of them and have fun while you’re doing it!

The University of Alabama at Birmingham Alumnae | Her Campus Chapter Advisor?