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Stuck on Secret Santa? 7 Gifts That Everyone Wants

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.

You draw someone for secret santa who you barely know. You’re stuck shopping for the friend who has it all. Or maybe you weren’t expecting the $20 price cap for your steal-a-gift event. Regardless, here are some modest, universally appealing gifts to save your Christmas. These secret santa ideas are sure to please whichever lucky person you’re buying for!

Bonus: all items are available in Victoria, no shipping required! You’re welcome, last-minute shoppers.


1. Earbuds

Everyone could use a new pair of earbuds. Let’s face it, these tiny bundles of joy are ridiculously easy to lose/break/throw in the washing machine, and your morning commute or library study sesh falls flat without tunes.

(Get them at Best Buy or London Drugs)


2. Home-baked goods

For a thoughtful yet frugal gift, whip up some homemade treats! Now is not the time to try out that crazy new recipe you found on Pinterest, but Grandma’s famous gingerbread? Go for it! Pro tip: check for any allergies or special diets.


3. Socks

Soft, warm, stylish woolen socks. Anyone with feet will toe-tally get a kick out of this one.

(available at Roots)


4. Cactus

This one might be a little harder to wrap, but it’s so worth it. Mini succulents are cute, compact, and low-maintenance — perfect for crowded dorms and forgetful university students.

(get it at Paboom Home Imports)


5. Extra Long Charging Cord

This one is a must-have for those hard-to-reach power outlets on BC Ferries. Watt person wouldn’t be ex-static to get this?

(get it at Chapters)


6. Stationery

Is it a lecture notebook? Personal journal? Doodle pad? They get to decide. Start off the spring term with some fresh stationery.

(Find it at Chapters)


7. A Scarf

Blanket scarves: one size looks adorable on all. Or go for a classic woolen variety–you’ll be close-knit friends in no time.

(get it at H&M)


And don’t worry guys, we’ve got you covered…

(maybe don’t get this one)


All of these ideas are under $20 and available in Victoria. If you’re still stumped, Paboom Home Imports, Chapters, and Bolen Books are all good places to look for novelty gadgets and gifts. Also consider giving to charity or giving an experience instead of an item. I know I’d be stoked to receive a “dinner out on me” coupon, and then you also get to spend time with the person. And it goes without saying that chocolate is always an option.

Overall, try not to stress too much about the stuff you’re giving and just enjoy the company. Can you remember all your past Christmas gifts?


Thanks for reading, and happy hunting!



Earbuds: 12 Baking: 12 Socks: 12 Cactus: 12 Charging cord: 12 Notebook: 12 Scarf: 12 Manket: 12


Becca is in her first year at the University of Victoria and looking to major in Computer Science. She enjoys cringe-worthy memes, rapid fire group chats, and trying out new exercise classes.
Ellen is a fourth year student at the University of Victoria, completing a major in Writing and a minor in Professional Writing: Editing and Publishing. She is currently a Campus Correspondent for the UVic chapter, and spends most of her free time playing Wii Sports and going out for breakfast. She hopes to continue her career in magazine editing after graduation, and finally travel somewhere farther than Disneyworld. You can follow her adventures @ellen.harrison