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Trinity Campus Cutie: Joanne Zhang

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

Name: Joanne Zhang

Year of Study: Second

Program of study: Finance and Economics

Status: Single

College: Trinity College

Res or non res?  Non res

How does it feel to be a commuter? I live within walking distance to campus so it is not too bad. But I have heard stories from my friend who commute two hours to school and I assume that commuting might not be easy for them.

How second year is different from first year: I became more involved in campus events than I was in first year. My academic life also got more focused once I got into the program I wanted.

Did your perspectives change from one year to the other? In what ways? After taking various courses in first year, my passions and my career plan changed. I figure out what interests me the most and the path leading to my future becomes more clear.

As an university student, for you what are the do’s and don’ts for first year students?


–       try to get involved in clubs, organizations to enrich your social life

–       attend lectures and tutorials

–       go to your professor’s office hour


–       do drugs

–       party too hard

–       become alcoholic

What would be a song that could describe your university life? Katy Perry- Roar

What does success mean to you and how could you consider yourself successful? Success can have many definitions and for me, it encompasses material comfort, social connections, practical skills and other complementary qualities. I would consider myself successful if I could keep pursuing my dream and persevere through the end. I would also need to be strong enough (in every aspect) to protect the ones I love around me.

If you had other alternatives, would you still attend university? Why’s that? Definitely. University is an experience you only get once in a life time. You make lifelong friends and you learn valuable lessons (not just from lectures) that you cannot simply acquire anywhere else.

If you could be a flavor of ice cream, which one you’d be? Matcha!!!

What’s the best decision you’ve ever made in your life? I don’t tend to look back and regret the decisions I make so it’s hard to choose “the best” one. But I would say coming to Canada and UofT is evidently a good decision because I cannot picture myself being anywhere else right now.

Would you rather be hated or forgotten by someone? Forgotten. I found hatred to be too strong of an emotion and it exhausts people’s time and energy.

How would you explain your life philosophy? If you don’t do it now, you might not get a second chance to do it.

What’s the best prank you’ve ever pulled? Does drawing on my friend’s face while he was asleep count?

What have you always wanted? Were you able to get it? A naturally brilliant mind. I wish I could. :(

Do you trust anyone with your life? Who? I trust my family and my friends with my whole heart. Why else would you let them stay in your life if you don’t?

What is the perfect pizza for you? I don’t like pizza. Too greasy.

Best compliment you’ve ever received? You eyes look so cute when you smile.